‘Full-time, always-on’ senior roles lock out women

27 March

Job sharing and more part-time senior roles are among ways employers are elevating more women into leadership and narrowing gender pay gaps. Only seven per cent of managers work part-time compared to 22 per cent of non-managers – percentages the...[Read More]

Empowering Your Future: The Top 10 Reasons to Start Your Own Business

21 March

Starting your own business is a journey filled with challenges, opportunities, and personal growth. It’s a path that many choose to embark upon for a myriad of reasons, each unique to the individual’s aspirations and circumstances.    Here are...[Read More]

Workers underprepared as AI reaches turning point

20 March

Only one in 20 Australian businesses are ready to deploy and leverage AI despite research suggesting almost all jobs will be affected, a report says. The crucial lack of understanding about generative artificial intelligence comes as workers already...[Read More]

What does ethical investing mean? How does it relate to ESG investing?

14 March

Investing is typically perceived as a wealthy-only pastime with no regard for the environment or social issues. However, that is not always the case, and the old mindset of making money for its own sake doesn’t need to stay.   People have become...[Read More]

Work from home like a pro: tips for setting up your home office

14 March

The advent of digital technology has transformed the business landscape, ushering in a new era where working from home is no longer a rarity but a common occurrence. This shift has necessitated the need for entrepreneurs to create conducive...[Read More]

How to ask your boss to work remotely

14 March

The remote work trend has gained significant momentum in recent years, offering employees the flexibility to maintain a healthy work-life balance.   If you’re planning to join the ranks of remote workers, convincing your employer to grant you...[Read More]

Big end of town ready on new climate regime

6 March

A survey shows big business is largely ready for Australia’s new climate disclosure regime that is slated to start soon, despite a strong pushback that could cause a delay. A climate governance study released on Tuesday by the Australian Institute...[Read More]

Top 10 healthy habits for business owners

29 February

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for business owners, given the demands and stresses that come with managing a business.   Here are ten healthy habits that can support business owners in maintaining their physical and mental well-being,...[Read More]

Rewards of working like dogs at corporate playground

28 February

Staff at a Sydney corporate office have a rooftop playground to exercise their canine companions while at work, with hopes they will soon be able to use public transport to get their pets there. Amazon Australia has opened the playground where...[Read More]

Why you need to do something you love every single day

22 February

Engaging in activities that you love is not only enjoyable but also offers a multitude of benefits that can enrich your life in various ways. So, if you’re on the fence about indulging one or some of your life’s passions, here are some...[Read More]

Non-compete clauses could slow higher pay, productivity

21 February

Australian workers could be missing out on higher pay because of a common clause in contracts that stops employees moving to competitors. About one in five employers are using what are known as non-compete clauses, according to an entirely new...[Read More]

Right to disconnect laws pass federal parliament

14 February

Employees will now have the right to disconnect from work out of hours, after industrial relations changes passed parliament. Under the workplace reforms, employees will have the right to ignore unreasonable calls and emails outside of their...[Read More]

Urgent changes needed to support women in STEM jobs

14 February

Urgent, industry-wide changes are needed to help more women, Indigenous Australians and migrants thrive in science, engineering and technology jobs, and to help Australia take advantage of emerging markets such as renewable energy, according to a...[Read More]

How asking a recruit’s past salary entrenches pay gap

14 February

Further entrenching the gender pay gap can be as simple as routinely asking job applicants what they earn at their current job, business leaders have been told. Winning support from the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, construction firm Lendlease no...[Read More]

Workers closer to getting a ‘right to disconnect’

7 February

Workers who are not paid to monitor their phones and emails 24/7 should not be penalised if they choose to disconnect, the prime minister says. A range of workplace changes are before parliament, designed to improve pay and conditions and stamp out...[Read More]